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Us election live coverage clinton trump in final push for re-el영천안마ection

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Pokies games breach law argues mpv will lose out

Pokies games breach law argues mpv will lose out


A petition has been launched by a lawyer who fears a $15 million loss could happ안산출장안마en to the lucrative pay-per-view gambling industry from games such as poker.

Solicitor George Low said poker’s growth was dependent on “all the other big games that have been developed, including horse racing”, such as bingo and craps, and those which do n홀덤ot require poker’s unique feature — video calling.

“If poker became the exclusive game for people using Skype to get their money’s worth then poker would be on a downward spiral,” Mr Low said.

“At some stage, that may be quite soon.

“We have a very large sector and we’d think that many people on the verge of becoming billionaires using a game like poker in their personal lives that may become profitable as other things such as gambling, which is becoming more prevalent and more lucrative than just gambling.”

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Mr Low said the Government needed to establish a system to stop people gaming or gambling if they were not able to pay with a traditional bank deposit or credit card.

“It’s simply unacceptable for people to take out a deposit when they are just about to go shopping for cars and not have mo경주안마 경주출장마사지ney in hand,” Mr Low said.

The attorney said people could even get caught by authorities on gambling when they have their debit card.

“If the police catch them when they are on a journey with a shopping money order, you can argue they should be charged with a crime as they might be trying to cheat the system or fraud on the system,” he said.

The petition was started on Facebook and has received about 400 signatures, with the group calling for the Government to make sure any illegal players could be charged with a crime and the industry would be safe.

Topics: gambling, courts-and-trials, federal-government, australia